CEF Show 2017 Brochure Online

Important Note:  cef 2017 Show has ended. The Offers/Pricing in the Brochures/Flyers/Price List in the below PDF are meant for the duration of the show during 2nd to 5th Nov 2017. Beyond this period, please visit the individual companies/shops/vendors/suppliers for the latest pricing and offers. This post will remain only as a record.

===cef 2017 Show have ended ===

SG PC Fair's CEF Show 2017 Online Brochures Flyers and Price List listed according to brand name:

001. Ace Tech [1 pages]

002. AcePeripherals [10 pages]

003. Acer [12 pages]

004. Aftershock [16 pages]

005. Alienware [1 pages]

006. AOC [6 pages]

007. Apple [6 pages]

008. ASUS [44 pages]

009. Atrix [2 pages]

010. AV One [4 pages]

011. Aztech [2 pages]

012. Benq [1 pages]

013. Biam Gizmo [16 pages]

014. Brite [13 pages]

015. Brother [1 pages]

016. Canon [4 pages]

017. Curve [1 pages]

018. Dell [9 pages]

019. Edimax [2 pages]

020. Epson [4 pages]

021. Erato [1 pages]

022. Eubiq [2 pages]

023. Fender [1 pages]

024. Fitbit [2 pages]

025. GameProSG [2 pages]

026. Garmin [2 pages]

027. G-Technology [2 pages]

028. HP [24 pages]

029. iClebo [2 pages]

030. Innocam [1 pages]

031. Innovative [4 pages]

032. Inxus [2 pages]

033. iWalk [2 pages]

034. J5 Create [2 pages]

035. Klipsch [1 pages]

036. Lenovo [15 pages]

037. LG [4 pages]

038. Lifesense [1 pages]

039. Logitech [1 pages]

040. Marbella [3 pages]

041. Microsoft [2 pages]

042. Mining.SG [2 pages]

043. Minix [2 pages]

044. Mobot [4 pages]

045. Motorola [5 pages]

046. MSI [2 pages]

047. MyDigitalLock [6 pages]

048. MyRepublic [8 pages]

049. Nikon [2 pages]

050. Nubox [6 pages]

051. Philips [2 pages]

052. Plantronics [2 pages]

053. Samsung [18 pages]

054. Seagate [2 pages]

055. Secretlab [8 pages]

056. Sennheiser [4 pages]

057. Sgphone [1 pages]

058. SingTel [6 pages]

059. Sonos [1 pages]

060. Sony [8 pages]

061. SPH [2 pages]

062. StarHub [2 pages]

063. Strontium [1 pages]

064. Synology [1 pages]

065. TheMobileHub [2 pages]

066. TrackR [1 pages]

067. Ugears [4 pages]

068. Ultimate Ears [1 pages]

069. Western Digital [2 pages]

070. Worldwide Computer Services [2 pages]

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